Tuesday 1 July 2008

Brokaw Won't Stay At Meet The Press "Under Any Condition"

Tom Brokaw is insisting that his current stint as Tim Russert's replacement on Meet the Press is only temporary. And while his remarks may have the familiar ring of Diane Sawyer's when she took over hosting duties on Good Morning America and Bob Schieffer, who announced his plans to quit Face the Nation earlier this year, Brokaw maintains that he won't take on the Meet the Press assignment "as a fulltime job under any condition." In an interview with TVNewser website, Brokaw said, "My intention is to get us through the election and give [NBC News president] Steve Capus time to make a decision. If he hasn't made a decision by then, if he needs extra time, I'll give him extra time. I've had my moment in the sun. I've been at this a long time. ... I want to go back to the imperfectly-mapped out plan for my life."

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